August Message from the President

posted on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 in  College News


We are glad your son or daughter is considering or has chosen to attend 靠谱买球app推荐! Our goal is to provide students with innovative educational experiences that will prepare them for tomorrow's careers. We also want you to know that at Hawkeye we believe Every Student Matters, and our faculty and staff will be focusing on helping each student succeed.

We’ll kick off the new school year with a FREE French toast breakfast for all students on Tuesday, August 21 beginning at 7:30am in the 布鲁克学生中心. The annual Fall Fest will celebrate the new school year in the campus courtyard on Wednesday, 8月22日上午10点至下午1点. There will be vendors from across the Cedar Valley along with Hawkeye's clubs and organizations. Meeting people, FREE food (including Dilly Bars!), prizes, live music, and fun activities all contribute to this being one of the best days of the year!

I know our students appreciate the support of family and friends, so this newsletter is a tool to help you stay current with what is happening on campus. I also encourage you to “like” 靠谱买球app推荐 on Facebook. Many upcoming events and activities will be posted on Facebook so you can help your student get involved on campus. We’re looking forward to a great academic year!

And, as always, thank you for your support of 靠谱买球app推荐.

Linda Allen, Ph.D.


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